Relaxed Rabbit Massage Therapy is not currently taking new clients, unless you are redeeming a gift certificate.
Online booking is still available for established clients.
Welcome to the Relaxed Rabbit Blog!
This is a place for us to keep in touch and for me to share news about the business. I’d love to hear from you in the comments, or email me at relaxedrabbitmassage@gmail.com if you don’t want to comment publicly.
Located in The Healing House in Tacoma’s Stadium District, 223 N Yakima Ave.
If you’re here to book a massage (hooray! see you soon!), here you go:

Personalizing your massage experience
Sometimes, I ask a lot of questions at the start of a massage. About the massage table temperature, and lotions, and bolsters, and music, and pressure.
Now you have the option to answer some of those questions in advance. In the reminder email you receive the day before your massage, you’ll find a link to an online form that lets you select options for that specific appointment.

Temporarily not accepting new clients
If you’ve booked a massage recently, you may have noticed that appointments are scarce. While I love having a full schedule and staying busy, I realize it’s frustrating to have to plan a month or more in advance to get an appointment. So, for the time being, I am putting a hold on accepting new clients, unless you are a new client using a gift card.

Relaxed Rabbit’s new home
On June 27th, Relaxed Rabbit Massage is moving from Jade’s Salon to a space in The Healing House at 223 N Yakima Ave. Leaving behind the cozy massage room at Jade’s is bittersweet, but I’m excited to be moving to a larger space in my old stomping grounds of the Stadium District!
I realize that the change may not be welcome news for some, and I’m hopeful there will be another massage therapist taking over the space at Jade’s for those who would prefer to continue getting massages at that location.
For those of you who choose to come see me at The Healing House, I hope you’ll like the place as much as I do!
Here are some answers to questions I’ve been getting about the move.

Moving to a new location at the end of June
After almost six years at Jade’s Salon, Relaxed Rabbit Massage Therapy will be moving to a new location at the end of June. More details will be posted soon, but here’s the news in brief:
The new location is in The Healing House in Tacoma’s Stadium District, 223 N Yakima Ave.
Expected moving date is June 27th. You may still book online for dates beyond that, but those appointments would be at the new location.
If you have an appointment booked for sometime after the move, I will be contacting you so you can decide if you wish to keep the appointment at the new location.
Until then, business as usual at Jade’s Salon. More info coming soon!

What’s new this fall
The temps are dropping, the rain is back, and it’s a fine time to relax under a blanket on a cozy, heated massage table. Here’s what to expect if you’re ready to venture out for a massage this fall.

Happy summer!
Happy summer everyone, and a happy re-opening to Washington state! While the official state reopening doesn’t mean any drastic changes for Relaxed Rabbit Massage Therapy, mask rules and covid precautions are in flux. The confirmation email you receive the day before an appointment will have the most up-to-date information on what protocols to follow at your appointment.
As of now, masks are still required to enter Jade’s Salon, whether you are vaccinated or not, so please continue to bring a mask to your appointment! Fully vaccinated clients are welcome to remove their masks once in the private massage room.
One change that is coming will be to my availability starting in late July. One of the precautions I have been taking throughout the pandemic was to spread out appointments as much as possible over the week to minimize the potential number of people exposed in case covid did enter Jade’s Salon. With case rates dropping and vaccination rates rising, I feel comfortable returning to a more compact schedule. My new days starting in late July will be Thurs-Sat and Tues. This change will be reflected in the online scheduling page and does not affect any appointments already scheduled on different days.
I wish you a wonderful summer, hope to see you soon, and for anyone wondering, yes, Jade’s Salon is air conditioned!!

Changes to mask guidelines
I was very excited to read the new guidance from the CDC regarding face masks, because it means I get to start seeing some of my clients’ smiling faces again! Read on to see how the new guidance may affect your massage session.

Re-opening in March
I’m happy to be able to say with confidence that I will be returning to business as usual (or close to usual, at least) by the start of March. For anyone wanting to plan waaaay in advance, online scheduling is available now for appointments after March 1st. If I’m able to open up prior to that, additional availablity will be added to the online calendar, but that will be dependent on our region’s COVID numbers and hospitalizations.
By the start of March I should be fully vaccinated against COVID (I’ve already been fortunate enough to receive my first dose of the vaccine, but it will take that long to receive the second dose and allow it to become effective). With that additional protection against unwittingly spreading the virus, I will be able to resume normal availability while still looking out for the health and safety of my clients. Current safety protocols will remain in place, including mask wearing, frequent and thorough cleaning of the massage room, and waiting in your vehicle prior to your appointment to avoid common-use areas of the salon.
I’m so excited to have this safe re-opening on the horizon, and I hope it gives you something to look forward to as well!

In response to Pierce county’s continued increases in COVID cases and hospitalizations, I’m putting a hold on scheduling any new appointments for now. If you already have a massage scheduled in the coming weeks, I still look forward to seeing you as planned. I am not cancelling any appointments at this time, just holding off on scheduling anything new.
Limiting the number of people we have close contact with is an important way that all of us can help reduce the spread of COVID, and for me that unfortunately means limiting the number of massages I do.
This pause will last at least through the Thanksgiving holiday, after which I will re-assess and hopefully start taking new appointments again. I appreciate all the support and understanding I’ve been getting from my wonderful clients through all the recent unpredictability! It’s for your safety as well as mine that I’m taking things slow and being cautious.

Proceeding with caution
While I am keeping my fingers crossed that I won’t have to shut down again, that does seem increasingly likely based on Pierce County’s recent COVID stats. If you try to book an appointment online and find nothing available, there may be a temporary freeze on scheduling new appointments. I’m taking things day by day, monitoring our county’s virus statistics, and limiting my bookings accordingly. For anyone curious about the regulations guiding me in deciding whether I am open/closed/taking new appointments, here is a brief explanation.

(Limited) Re-opening!!
I’m very pleased to announce that Relaxed Rabbit Massage Therapy is re-opening! With some new protocols in place, I will be available for a limited number of appointments starting this Sunday June 7th.
At this time I will only be providing massage for which there is a medical need, i.e. for the purposes of reducing pain or inflammation and restoring range of motion. If you feel that a massage would benefit you in addressing any of those medical concerns, go ahead and book yourself a massage!

“Phase 2” Re-opening
Although I still don’t have a re-opening date to announce, I can tell you it will happen once we reach “Phase 2” of Washington state’s plan. That could be as soon as the end of this month. (I hope, I hope! Come on, Phase 2!!) In the mean time I am establishing new procedures for my business so that when I do re-open I can do so with minimum risk to everyone’s health.
If you have a medical need for massage now, please read on for suggestions on how to get help.

No news is... no news.
I’ve been getting a few inquiries lately about when I’ll be able to reopen, and unfortunately I just don’t know yet. All I can tell you is I’m still here, and I’m still looking forward to getting back to doing massage once it’s safe to do so.

Face Masks
So, recommendations about face masks have recently changed. The CDC now “recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.”
If you don’t own a sewing machine but you wish you could have a homemade cotton mask of your very own, don’t worry, because guess how I’ve been passing these endless days stuck at home when it’s too cold and wet to venture outside? Yup, I’ve been sewing masks. Lots of masks. Enough to share.

Temporary Closure
As you probably know (because I have had to send out a LOT of cancellation notices recently), Relaxed Rabbit Massage Therapy is currently closed. At a time when everyone is extra stressed and anxious and could really, really use a nice relaxing massage, it’s ironic that having a massage is about the worst thing you could do during this pandemic.