Health and Safety Policies
As a massage therapy business in Washington state, I am regulated by the Washington State Legislature (Chapter 246-830) and Washington State Health Department.
In addition to compliance with all legal requirements and mandates, as a private business I have additional policies that I follow and that I ask my clients to follow as well.
If you’re sick, stay home.
The prolonged close contact involved in giving/receiving massage makes transmission of any contagious illness very likely. If I don’t feel well and may be contagious, I will cancel your appointment out of consideration for your health. I request the same consideration from my clients.
Wear a face covering if asked to do so.
Whether the use of face masks is currently mandated by the health department or not, if I feel the circumstances warrant it, I will wear a mask and ask you to use a face covering during your massage. If you decline to use a face covering when asked, you will be asked to leave. Likewise, even if not currently mandated, feel free to ask me to wear a mask during your massage; I will oblige.
Don’t bring weapons into my treatment room.
The massage treatment room is a place for peace and tranquility. Firearms, knives, axes, chainsaws, explosive devices; whatever the weapon, don’t come to your appointment armed.
If you make me uncomfortable, you will be asked to leave.
Massage requires a degree of trust between client and practitioner. If you do or say anything that makes me feel uncomfortable or unsafe, the session will be ended and you will be asked to leave. Likewise, if you ever feel uncomfortable, you are free to stop the session at any time.